3 Best Mother's Day Look For New Moms

 As we all know that mother's day is just round the corner and the buzz has already begun. There are sales and contests all around which can be fun to participate at and also gives you that needed quality time to spend with you mom. But apart from the fun and excitement there can be a little stress about how to style up your hair on the big day! So I am here today to tell you that braids are very important and can never go out of fashion also they are super easy to style. So here I will tell you about the Clip in hair extension  ideas that you can kill in this mother's day! 

1) The High Pigtail look! 

These high pigtails are to die for! C'mon ladies even though we are mommies now but still we definitely have to look bold and cute at the same time and hence we should definitely invest in the relaxed straight clip in hair extensions. All you have to do to achieve this look is to get the extensions, do the partings, clip in the extensions and tadaaa! you can just tie them up like this! So I believe that its time for some mid weekend fun! 

2) Caribbean Curls!

These Curls are just perfect for beach days and vaccy moods which will give you some rest from being a mom. The Studio perfect organic curls are just perfect clip ins to get this level of volume and texture. These clip ins are super easy to manage and will give you a flawless photo and salon finish at home. So what is the wait sis, Go Grab Them NOW!

3)  The Rapunzel Waves! 

Mommies! Its time to beat the Rapunzel hair and get them styled as per your choice! These waves can definitely beat the English Rapunzel waves and give you a perfect go to hairdo for your office meetings where you can slay like a boss mom! Use a Studio perfect fishnet wavy clip ins to get this exact look. Trust me ladies it is a must have and can be used for many more hair dos! You can also use some wigs to get this look! 

To add on an extra tip here, I get and prefer my Hair extensions and clip ins from Indique Hair. Trust me ladies it is the best among all and is definitely a must try! Check them out as they always come up with great Indique Mother's day sale! Don't Miss It! 
